Storage Space

You do not have to do anything else for the storage space except choose a web hosting plan that you like. All you have to do is to buy the hosting plan, select the software you want to use, and set up the virtual machine (VM). You can use any wordpress hosting company for this purpose.

10+ Best WordPress Hosting Services Compared (2020)

Let us take a look at some common hosting services:

Turbopay provides a hosting option for all kinds of hosting companies, ranging from small start-up companies to large companies with many VMs. The most common use is to keep the VM’s private and public pages in separate pages, and the virtual machine is a separate webpage in itself. A similar service provided by Virtual Private Server (VPS) is Amazon AWS and VPS hosting services.

provides a hosting option for all kinds of hosting companies, ranging from small start-up companies to large companies with many VMs. The most common use is to keep the VM’s private and public pages in the same virtual machine so they can be accessed from the same browser. The virtual machine is managed and scaled using Kubernetes in production.

For all these virtual servers, there are two options: VPS with dedicated virtualization NICs, or VPS with multiple NICs.

With VPS with dedicated virtualization NICs, the virtual machine can be run on a dedicated network NIC. For instance, you can use two virtual NICs for your two VMs, each with dedicated NICs. With VPS with multiple NICs, you can choose the NICs that are the best fit for your virtualized environment.

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