Longer than expected

I hate going a long time without updating, unfortunately trying to merge my stuff from my other site into this one I have found that my galleries are not designed to properly hold a large number of items; I don’t have thumbnails made for most of the pictures here, and they kind of go down in a list instead of like a gallery that the other site had.

So, i’m basically having to remake the pages locally and making sure it’ll work well before putting everything up.

In other news, a new update in blender has finally made it possible to export properly for games, so I’m also re-learning 3D modeling from there (new interface to get used to) so I can make some decent models for my game design goals.

The flash games i was working on haven’t made much progress; trying to figure out how to access the same variable from different classes and having difficulty doing so.

I’ve been strangely tired after work every day, and then working at my parents house on the weekends, after getting home on sunday when i normally would get some stuff done, my room mate seems to have decided that she deserves to have the computer still since she was already on.

So, things have been rather slow, on the plus side, when things get moving again which i hope will be soon, you’ll see a ton of new material and more steady updates.

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