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Game Mechanics


Similar to a roguelike, the dungeons of the world are constantly changing, bringing you a fresh start to every journey. Whenever you leave the dungeon, it will reshape it's self, keeping the game from becoming stale and forcing you to re-travel the same areas repeatedly.


Adventurer's gotta eat as they say. Allowing the party to go hungry results in a reduced performance in and out of combat, making it essential to keep a healthy supply of rations with you whenever you explore.


Magic is extremely new to this world, so there are no traditional 'schools' of magic. Each potential party member has their own unique gifts, and can benefit the party in their own unique ways.


When you visit different locations in town, you have a chance to meet and talk to other characters, some of which have magic of their own. Befriending these people is a good way to build variety in your party.